I must be one of the luckiest people I know. I have a place to work that loads of people would die for......it's a pastoral paradise.
The view from my studio's second floor window is kind of never, but alwayschanging...I say never because it's fundamentally always the same - 6 fields deep with a river from left to right in the second, a line of big white poplar (?) trees along the river, the bright green leaves of the lime tree next to the house just encroaching on the left at eye level, and the fields delineated with brilliant yellow, rape seed crops in the furthest four, dark green tree / hedge lines between, and big beans (not from Venus) just growing in the first, and grass in the second.
There's blue sky, slightly paled with thin cloud, a breeze, and the only noise is the radio broadcasting the food programme on R4 coming from the Hebrides, and before that, talk of amazing cheese from Cheshire making my mouth water......
And the view is always changing because it's a view of the natural living world, and the seasons.
I hardly ever play music in the studio a) because I like it up too loud for the neighbours (!), and b) because I just get too into the music, and don't concentrate on work!!
(Just realised that I could do a video of my setting, as I know that existing clients and students love it as much as me, so that others could then see where they would come for a bespoke wedding dress or other outfit, or where they could work if they came for classes here.)
When I wrote this, 2 days ago, the weather was as described as above, but since then it's rained, and so the planned video hasn't happened yet. I want everyone to see it in all it's glory. So I'll be on that tomorrow, assuming the sun shines....!
If you’d like to chat to me about a special occasion / important event / purpose for which you need a drop-dead gorgeous dress or outfit, please just reply to this email here, or go to my website, and have a look around (all designed by my own fair hand), let me know what you think, or go to the contact page and phone or send me an email.
Speak soon!
PS I opened the front door yesterday to a woman who had come for an un business related reason to see me (but she may become a client or a student, you never know!), and the first word she uttered was "Wow!!". She was talking about my location of course. When you live and work in a place you get a bit blasé sometimes...