FROM 'THE BUSINESS OF FASHION' online 'newspaper'
Phew! Read the first two paragraphs from the link above .....I don't think I've ever read such a scathing report of any fashion event! And this is a subject close to my heart - and I don't mean just fashion - I mean the gradual loss of practical skills in fashion education, and believe me, I am witness to this very recently. I could go on and on and on about this, but suffice to say, I am pretty appalled at what I have seen and heard. Tempting to go on, but my lips must remain sealed for professional reasons!
The one good thing I heard recently, and this from someone directly involved, is that Newham College, London currently have approx 30 students involved in work experience/intern type positions in Saville Row, home of world famous tailoring in London. The college runs in conjunction with the Fashion and Textiles Museum, London, and I saw a class in progress in a beautiful state of the art education room on a recent visit there, and this isn't a degree course, but a course at Newham College of Further Education.
I am not denigrating degree courses in the least, but it seems that not enough of them are teaching students (the fashion designers of the future) what they need to know regarding practical skills. It seems that a lot of the time they favour academic prowess when employing staff, and while that is hugely important, academic excellence and top notch practical skills don't often seem to go hand in hand.
We need to keep the practical skills base up in this country or, within a generation they could be lost.
More thoughts on ways forward to follow. Meanwhile I'd better get on with some practical work!!