Well I ain't a photographer, and my studio doesn't look like this but I kind of loved the image!! Oh to work in a studio like this...
I WILL be having an open studio/meet up day though, for all my amazingly diverse and interesting students and clients and friends and anyone else who has / had connections with whatever I do design/making wise, artwork wise, music wise or who may have used 'Atelier by Bobbie Seagroatt'. It'll be on Saturday 17th December from 12 midday to 6pm (and later if your conversation is really interesting!!).
It's a social event - I'm not selling anything,(except maybe a discount on classes if you book up that day!), but I always think it would be great if all of my connections could meet each other as they have a big thing in common (see descriptions above) to begin with, even if they've never met.
Proper invitation to come, but this is a little 'put it in the diary' precursor! I don't go for 'save the day', much.......
Here's the 'Contact' page of my website, where you can see a map of where I am, an aerial view, written directions, phone number, address, and email....... so no excuses about how to get here!
See you then folks, I hope...17th DEC!!!